2024年9月28日 星期六

林綠出生的記憶小碎片 2024.9.29

1. 2024/8/30 找我老婆中午一起吃午餐,因為要恭喜她下週一開始的待產假,終於可以好好休息了。我跟我老婆在同一棟大樓的不同樓層的不同公司上班。我們挑選了12:30出發用餐,結果這時間每個餐廳都客滿,我們最後去吃肯德基。

2. 每週六早上我都會在家上英文課,最後一個月孕婦每週都要產檢。因為家裡離醫院很近,我老婆都騎機車載我女兒一起去,第一胎的時候絕對不敢讓這件事情發生,第二胎倒也不是隨便,可能就是少了一點戰戰兢兢。

3. 2024/8/31 快要下課的時候我女兒衝了進我書房,因為她每個禮拜都會衝進我的書房,第一時間也不覺得有什麼異樣,但是這次她衝進來說,「爸爸!媽媽流了好多月經!」但我老婆在外面喊說,「沒關係啦~」。跟老師完成最後的討論後,出門趕快關心老婆。

4. 確認老婆沒事之後,我老婆在客廳吃她回家路上買的蛋餅,我就在房間跟我女兒玩。玩一玩,我就跟我女兒說,「你去跟媽媽說,爸爸想要睡一下,如果要去醫院的話再叫爸爸起床。」嘴巴是這樣講,我心裡想的其實是,應該就是今天了,照這時間點應該今天還有得忙,我可得趕快補充一點體力。不知道是上一次的經驗還是靈感,但當時就非常肯定今天會生,不過我當下沒特別跟我老婆說就是了。

5. 大概一點出頭,我老婆叫我起床,我們整理了一下行李,我還挑選了一頂比較百搭的 Carhartt 帽子,因為我想說這一出門,下次回家就是林綠出生之後了,我可能不能很沒有風格的迎接他的到來。我老婆則是很細心的分開打包了生產包跟住院包。這樣就不用一次扛超多物品到診間,真是縝密。最後我們抵達醫院的時間是 13:10。

6. 隨著一波又一波的陣痛,我跟我老婆都非常確信今天就會生產。中間還遇到護理師跟值班醫師想退貨,但是都被我老婆說服了。我老婆認真想說服別人的時候真的很強,堅定的語氣搭配誠實的面孔。

7. 大約在17:00附近進入生產間,我也有進去,但護理師跟醫生忘記詢問我要不要剪臍帶,所以這次我沒有剪臍帶。不過沒關係,老實說,剪臍帶很無聊,如果可以的話,我想試試看接生,我看兩次了,我覺得我應該可以。

8. 林綠在 17:19 出生。這傢伙不知道是天生帥哥病還是怎樣,衝出產道的姿勢跟氣勢真的頗帥,有一種 superhero landing 的感覺。

9. 比預期早了一些,不過是個非常完整的嬰兒。2,830g,頭圍32cm,身長43cm。十根腳趾,十根手指,兩個眼睛,兩個耳朵,一個嘴,一個或兩個斷掌。好樣的,你爸爸也是一個斷掌。

10. 在嬰兒誕生完的好一段時間,嬰兒到底怎樣,我其實沒有很有所謂,對我來說,我老婆的一切才是最重要的。對我來說,我老婆就是我的一切,也是在這段過程中最在乎的人。 

Building Consensus: 3 Strategies for Gaining Support for New Ideas in the Workplace _ 2024.9.28

As a proactive worker, I believe in the process of optimization. For instance, Google must adjust its algorithm frequently to ensure search results always align with what users are seeking; also, developers of a popular mobile game should iterate the app fast to provide gamers a better playing experience. Innovation helps many companies become successful in the market. As a part of a huge organization, how can we build consensus around a new idea? Here are three strategies I’ve learned recently. 

1. Gather Agreement Before Publishing Your Idea:
Sometimes, suddenly revealing a new idea makes colleagues feel that you are too aggressive without thinking. At the same time, a new idea should get support from decision-makers and peers. A good strategy is to review others’s perspectives first and revise your idea into a more suitable solution for everyone. Finally, when you present this idea in a meeting, you are more likely to win their agreement unconditionally.

2. Reduce The Information Asymmetry:
When you want to have a new workflow in your organization, you will likely encounter some difficulties and unnecessary processes. Share your bad experiences to let everyone know and give space to those show disagreement by describing the reasons. After that, your discussion could focus on figuring out the middle point that makes everyone feel satisfied. It’s easier to evaluate an idea with transparent background information and find a consensus from all members of a unit.

3. Transform Your Novelty Into Value: 
It’s harder to assess the novelty of an idea than its value. For example, it’s easier to understand whether we will earn more revenue from the new solution; whether we will shorten the process to achieve the same goal, and whether we will reduce the marketing cost? No matter how innovative it is, transform it into how valuable it is for the team is crucial. It builds criteria for your new idea and can be evaluated.

Don’t be upset when you face a lot of disagreement. This kind of experience improves your skills in building a consensus next time. Hopefully, these three strategies are useful for your career.