2024年11月19日 星期二

Why Not Seeing the Ad is Normal 2024.11.19

In a scenario where there are 20 million users and an advertisement campaign generates 5 million impressions, each user can see the ad at most once. If we randomly select four people, what are the chances that none of them sees the ad? This probability can be calculated using the hypergeometric distribution, which considers the total population, the number of exposed users, and the sample size.

After computation, the probability that none of the four people sees the ad is approximately 31.64%, while the probability of exactly one person seeing the ad is about 42.19%. The difference between these probabilities isn’t as large as you might expect, right? This highlights an important point: it is quite common for a small group to have no exposure to the ad, even when the campaign reaches millions of users.

The reason is straightforward: with 20 million users and only 5 million exposures, the campaign’s reach is limited relative to the total population. For any given individual, the chance of seeing the ad is just 25% (5 million divided by 20 million). When selecting four people randomly, it’s more likely that not all of them belong to the exposed group.

In marketing campaigns like this, it is crucial to understand the statistical nature of exposure. A significant portion of users might not see the ad due to the limited number of impressions relative to the audience size. This does not indicate a failure in the campaign but rather reflects the mathematical reality of impression distribution.

If you need a specific person to see the advertisement, you might want to use fixed placement strategies. For example, purchasing a time slot for a fixed ad position on a particular website or application ensures that the ad is visible during the exposure period. This strategy allows you to ensure that your supervisor or higher manager can see the ad you’ve purchased. Incorporating such an approach into your media strategy can be effective in special situations where targeted exposure is critical. 

2024年10月10日 星期四

A Life-Changing Saturday: The Day Our Family Grew 2024.10.10

On the morning of August 31st, 2024, a Saturday that is very different from the rest of the Saturdays of the year. Every Saturday morning, I had to attend an English class online. As usual, we did a little overtime to discuss the last question of the weekly topic. Suddenly, my daughter broke our discussion and yelled at me, “Dad! Mommy is bleeding a lot!” and I heard my wife yell from another corner of my house, “I am OK, so far!“ I finished the discussion as quickly as I could and then asked my wife. “How do you feel? Do you think it will happen TODAY?“ She said.”I am not sure, but if my pain becomes regular and more painful, we have to go to the hospital.” 

After having brunch and taking a nap, we went to the hospital. I actually seldom take a nap on Saturday afternoon, but my instinct told me TODAY would be my son’s birthday which means it would be a long day and there would be lots of tasks to do, that’s why I took a nap to make sure I could have enough energy to face the challenge later. After arriving at the hospital, my wife called her mom and asked her to pick up our daughter and take her home. We knew our daughter was excited, but she was not be able to help at that moment.

Since my wife’s pain became more intense and that was around 17:00, the doctor said ”We can go to the delivery room now. Please let the husband sign some documents for staying in the hospital” I signed the documents and waited for them to call me to go into the delivery room. Waiting outside of the delivery room was the most difficult time of the whole process because I couldn’t see my wife at the moment, but still could hear her screaming. Time seemed to stop and my anxiety was 100% full. 10 minutes later, the door opened, and the nurse said “you can come in now.” I walked in and I witnessed the process of my son being born from his mom’s body. Fortunately, my wife and my son were both fine in the process and finally I could hold my wife’s hand and cheer her up. 

Now, I am a father of two kids. My wife’s recovery is going very well. After two delivery processes, I believe my wife has a superpower, the power of being a mother is incredible. I hope my daughter can grow up to be like her mom and have that kind of power even if she doesn’t want to be a mom, and my son can grow up to be a gentleman who respects women because he was born from such a painful process by his Mom.

2024年9月28日 星期六

林綠出生的記憶小碎片 2024.9.29

1. 2024/8/30 找我老婆中午一起吃午餐,因為要恭喜她下週一開始的待產假,終於可以好好休息了。我跟我老婆在同一棟大樓的不同樓層的不同公司上班。我們挑選了12:30出發用餐,結果這時間每個餐廳都客滿,我們最後去吃肯德基。

2. 每週六早上我都會在家上英文課,最後一個月孕婦每週都要產檢。因為家裡離醫院很近,我老婆都騎機車載我女兒一起去,第一胎的時候絕對不敢讓這件事情發生,第二胎倒也不是隨便,可能就是少了一點戰戰兢兢。

3. 2024/8/31 快要下課的時候我女兒衝了進我書房,因為她每個禮拜都會衝進我的書房,第一時間也不覺得有什麼異樣,但是這次她衝進來說,「爸爸!媽媽流了好多月經!」但我老婆在外面喊說,「沒關係啦~」。跟老師完成最後的討論後,出門趕快關心老婆。

4. 確認老婆沒事之後,我老婆在客廳吃她回家路上買的蛋餅,我就在房間跟我女兒玩。玩一玩,我就跟我女兒說,「你去跟媽媽說,爸爸想要睡一下,如果要去醫院的話再叫爸爸起床。」嘴巴是這樣講,我心裡想的其實是,應該就是今天了,照這時間點應該今天還有得忙,我可得趕快補充一點體力。不知道是上一次的經驗還是靈感,但當時就非常肯定今天會生,不過我當下沒特別跟我老婆說就是了。

5. 大概一點出頭,我老婆叫我起床,我們整理了一下行李,我還挑選了一頂比較百搭的 Carhartt 帽子,因為我想說這一出門,下次回家就是林綠出生之後了,我可能不能很沒有風格的迎接他的到來。我老婆則是很細心的分開打包了生產包跟住院包。這樣就不用一次扛超多物品到診間,真是縝密。最後我們抵達醫院的時間是 13:10。

6. 隨著一波又一波的陣痛,我跟我老婆都非常確信今天就會生產。中間還遇到護理師跟值班醫師想退貨,但是都被我老婆說服了。我老婆認真想說服別人的時候真的很強,堅定的語氣搭配誠實的面孔。

7. 大約在17:00附近進入生產間,我也有進去,但護理師跟醫生忘記詢問我要不要剪臍帶,所以這次我沒有剪臍帶。不過沒關係,老實說,剪臍帶很無聊,如果可以的話,我想試試看接生,我看兩次了,我覺得我應該可以。

8. 林綠在 17:19 出生。這傢伙不知道是天生帥哥病還是怎樣,衝出產道的姿勢跟氣勢真的頗帥,有一種 superhero landing 的感覺。

9. 比預期早了一些,不過是個非常完整的嬰兒。2,830g,頭圍32cm,身長43cm。十根腳趾,十根手指,兩個眼睛,兩個耳朵,一個嘴,一個或兩個斷掌。好樣的,你爸爸也是一個斷掌。

10. 在嬰兒誕生完的好一段時間,嬰兒到底怎樣,我其實沒有很有所謂,對我來說,我老婆的一切才是最重要的。對我來說,我老婆就是我的一切,也是在這段過程中最在乎的人。 

Building Consensus: 3 Strategies for Gaining Support for New Ideas in the Workplace _ 2024.9.28

As a proactive worker, I believe in the process of optimization. For instance, Google must adjust its algorithm frequently to ensure search results always align with what users are seeking; also, developers of a popular mobile game should iterate the app fast to provide gamers a better playing experience. Innovation helps many companies become successful in the market. As a part of a huge organization, how can we build consensus around a new idea? Here are three strategies I’ve learned recently. 

1. Gather Agreement Before Publishing Your Idea:
Sometimes, suddenly revealing a new idea makes colleagues feel that you are too aggressive without thinking. At the same time, a new idea should get support from decision-makers and peers. A good strategy is to review others’s perspectives first and revise your idea into a more suitable solution for everyone. Finally, when you present this idea in a meeting, you are more likely to win their agreement unconditionally.

2. Reduce The Information Asymmetry:
When you want to have a new workflow in your organization, you will likely encounter some difficulties and unnecessary processes. Share your bad experiences to let everyone know and give space to those show disagreement by describing the reasons. After that, your discussion could focus on figuring out the middle point that makes everyone feel satisfied. It’s easier to evaluate an idea with transparent background information and find a consensus from all members of a unit.

3. Transform Your Novelty Into Value: 
It’s harder to assess the novelty of an idea than its value. For example, it’s easier to understand whether we will earn more revenue from the new solution; whether we will shorten the process to achieve the same goal, and whether we will reduce the marketing cost? No matter how innovative it is, transform it into how valuable it is for the team is crucial. It builds criteria for your new idea and can be evaluated.

Don’t be upset when you face a lot of disagreement. This kind of experience improves your skills in building a consensus next time. Hopefully, these three strategies are useful for your career.

2024年8月22日 星期四

Embrace Consistency Over Perfection 2024.8.23

Everyone sets goals for careers, family life, financial plans, and personal habits. It’s great to have goals so that when you wake up you feel energetic to do something to achieve your goals. But how can we develop better strategies for setting goals in different areas of life? An outdated method is to divide your big goal into three categories: the final goal, the mid-term goal, and the short-term goal. Beyond this approach, how can we maintain our values or make sure we can keep going toward the success we believe in? Here are three strategies for reference.

1. Reduce the difficult and impossible goals: 
The key to setting goals is to let you know how to ensure you are on the correct path to the goals. Too many challenging goals are hard to break down into little steps and make us feel upset when realizing how far we are still from achieving them. Then, we give up on achieving doing what we want to achieve. Set some reasonable goals at first, and when we have a little progress, set the harder ones.

2. Be consistent: 
Sometimes, it takes decades to become an expert in specific areas. How you can keep on practicing or doing something for a long time is more important than what your goals are. If you can keep on doing certain things consistently over time for a lifetime, you can achieve anything more easily than others. Find a balance between you current achievements and what you are eager to achieve in the future, which can help you keep on learning skills you don’t have now.

3. Be brave about giving up: 
When we realize some goals are not important to us anymore, don’t feel guilty about giving up even if we have spent many hours on them. We can’t achieve everything, but we can always focus on what is the most important. Giving up is not abandoning the efforts we’ve made previously but about making essential progress in our lives,

Especially as adults, we are burned out from job and family responsibilities. Goals are not meant to add more pressure but are intended for a better life we want to have. Feel free to celebrate when achieving a little and don’t put the blame on yourself when failing at something. Hopefully, we can find joy in achieving some goals and continue setting new ones.

2024年8月14日 星期三

How Taiwan's Athletes Flourished at the Paris 2024 Olympics 2024.8.14

Although we won fewer medals this year compared to the Tokyo 2021 Olympics, the Paris 2024 Olympics has been one of my favorite experiences of watching and cheering for athletes from Taiwan. I enjoyed every match and every game, not because we won, but because I noticed that the athletes from Taiwan genuinely enjoyed the competition as well. This is truly special to see because in the past, I felt that athletes from Taiwan were always very nervous on the court and stage. Perhaps they carried too much stress on their shoulders before.

I wonder why athletes from Taiwan are able to enjoy the games more now. First, I think they have gained more international experience. Young athletes must have participated in many professional sports competitions and tournaments over the past three years, which makes the Olympics feel like just another international event. Second, athletes realize that no matter how they perform, they will have full support from Taiwan. For example, Taiwan has set up a local food station near the Olympic Village so our athletes can enjoy familiar food. Many sports fans have also bought tickets to Paris to watch the games, and there's been an outpouring of love and support on social media for our athletes.

When we learn more about a certain sport or athlete, we realize that the Olympics are just one stage in an athlete’s entire career. Sometimes, an athlete participates in the Olympics solely for the honor of Taiwan, so we shouldn't complain when they lose a game. Instead, to show our gratitude for their contribution, we should cheer for them unconditionally as well.

Furthermore, many organizations have put in a lot of effort to ensure we can watch the Olympic Games at home. If you haven’t yet, next time you can purchase a paid subscription on Hami Videos or Elta OTT online, allowing you to enjoy many different sports right from your computer or smart TV.

2024年6月26日 星期三

Beyond Encouragement 2024.6.26

 If you are a parent, I believe your expectations are similar to mine. Parents want to encourage their kids to do everything nowadays. When our kids encounter frustrations, we say phrases like, “I Know you can do that because you are the best.“, or “Practice makes perfect, so you should practice more to get better results.“ undoubtedly, we love our kids unconditionally, but is this kind of encouragement good enough? Should we also take care of more spheres in our family?

First of all, our world is changing so fast that we can’t just have a single approach and always be positive when encountering everything. Flexibility, resilience, communication skills, and adaptability are also crucial for survival. The path to learning these skills is learning from experiencing frustrations. We all have negative emotions when we face frustrations, and parents should teach their kids to realize these emotions and manage them healthily.

Second, families should embrace both positive and negative emotions. In my opinion, that is not the only but the most essential value in a family. Kids at school are not encouraged to cry or yell, so they don’t affect other kids. Adults in a company may need to hide their emotions when facing supervisors and clients. However, we as human beings do have emotions and family plays a role in containing all kinds of emotions. We don’t always have to be optimistic in front of our family members.

In conclusion. while it is good to encourage our kids and foster a positive spirit, it’s equally important to teach them how to face negative emotions and learn more approaches from them. Too much positivity would let our kids misunderstand that the  warmest function of a family is loving each other unconditionally. A family has many sides, and it’s essential to maintain the balance.

2024年6月20日 星期四

Embracing Agility: Thriving in an Unpredictable World 2024.6.20

This world is changing so fast that we can’t always predict everything precisely. We used to be taught to have a plan for our lives and implement the plan before, but it becomes more and more difficult because many things happen accidentally. If the conventional approach doesn’t work, I think we can learn or have the new idea to face the future: An agile mindset. I would like to apply an Agile mindset in my life in these three spheres.

The traditional approach to learning a particular skill is to learn the origin first and then expand the levels step by step. This process is fine for a child because if you know the origin well, you will have a better foundation to learn some more difficult parts in this field easily. For an adult, this cause you so spend too much time that , and you don’t have enough free time slots to follow the steps. Therefore, you need to set the goal first and then try to plan a path that can make you reach the goal from the beginning. Essentially, realizing the goal and the path allow you to know how to find the resource to become your personal educational content and then you focus on the content, knowing that not everything in the field can make you achieve your goal more easily; that is a kind of agile mindset.

I’d been asked questions such as “What is your career goal?“ or “What role do you want to play in this company after five years?“ before, especially in a recruiting review. I used to answer these questions carefully because I wanted to demonstrate my vision, ambition, and loyalty through my responses. Now, I have different ideas about these questions. First, it doesn’t matter if I really have a career plan or not because my plan might not perfectly align with the organizer’s expectations. Second, Things can change a lot in five years and my five-years imagination may not exist in the future. Therefore, I see these questions as an opportunity to show my agile mindset and I should express more like ”No matter what role, I hope I can always stand a step ahead of the market. Because… .” and “I don’t have an ending goal of my career because this changing world brings countless interesting things I’d love to try. I believe I can… .“ This approach can allow the discussion to continue and help the reviewer know my advantages better.

Family entertainment: 
My kids are still young. When I was as young as my kids, my parents spent a lot of time taking me to a family restaurant that had a kids’ play area. I always tried to finish my meal fast because I couldn’t wait to play with the other kids. I guess my parents were bored when I played in the kids’ area. The family restaurant is super exciting for a kid; however adults can barely have fun at the same time. I alternately change what we do for family entertainment with kids’ and adults' ideas. This time, my daughter wants to see ocean creatures in an aquarium, so we can enjoy the underwater world together. Next time, it’s the adults’ turn. Maybe my wife wants to go to a paid art exhibition, so everybody should join Mama’s plan together and try to experience something fresh.

Applying an agile mindset will help you not only survive well in a job, but also give you different ideas for many spheres in your life.

2024年6月14日 星期五

Beyond the Degree: Innovative Hiring Strategies for Evaluating Young Talent 2024.6.14

If you have two candidates both are around 22 years old, one has a degree and another doesn’t. First, they might not have many working experiences at the same time so you can’t easily ask questions like “What have you achieved?” or “How did you complete such a big project?“ to verify their working abilities. One thing you can do is to research the college of the one who has a degree, and assess if his/her major is competitive in the specific area. However, this approach is unfair to the other one who does’t have a degree. That’s why more and more companies choose a skill-based hiring process. Additionally, I imagine three other criteria that companies can use when recruiting and selecting candidates.

1. Short-Term Contract: 
In the NBA, if there are too many injured players on your roster, you can sign a short-term contract with a player. This player will put in a lot of effort to prove he can survive in the league and contribute his skills to the team. In some cases, they may sign a long-term contract before next season. It’s a win-win situation for both the player and the team. Organizations and companies can utilize this approach when facing a dilemma between two candidates. Aggressively, a hiring manager may offer two short-term contracts and then promise that one of them will earn the official offer. One thing to be cautious of is that everything you do must be legal under the Labor Standards Act.

2. Demonstrating Real situations: 
Some skills can’t be measured by standard qualifications or tests. For instance, it’s really hard to assess one’s sales skills. Therefore, there are behavioral tests in specific recruiting processes. Some companies give candidates a demo solutions and then let them sell it to the hiring manager. It doesn’t matter how much you realize this solution’s advantage, and the most important thing is how you introduce and make clients feel confident to you and the services your company offers. Moreover, how you react to questions you are not sure about during a pitch will determine if you are a good salesperson or not.

3. The Critical Thinking test: 
If you own a startup company, you don’t need a person who operates daily tasks but a talent who can bring new inspiration and critical ideas. Start by sharing some background information about your vision and encourage the candidates to ask you questions. In this approach, some will ask out the key issues worth resolving and some will show their whole research of the field by their questions. Sometimes, those who can ask the right questions are the ones who will provide the right solutions and they must be the suitable employees you need.

These three approaches help employers have different angles to find a better talents your organization needs.

2024年6月5日 星期三

Discover Your Next Must-Read 2024.6.6

After entering the workforce, I haven’t read many books in the last eight years. However, if I have time to read one, I would like to find a useful book for myself. I found some by searching Bill Gates’s recommended list of readings and some by popular rank of bookstores. In light of the above, most books I read are suitable to be recommended to everybody, though there are not many. However, the must-read one is “Zero to One” by Peter Thiel.

First of all, what is “Zero to One”? “Zero to One” is a concept about invention and breakthrough. “Zero to One” allows us to bring a new solution for difficulties we have faced now and for some difficulties in the future. “Zero to One” tries to solve the problems. On the other hand, “One to N” consumes the limited resources we have.

In Peter Thiel’s opinion, success is not from winning the competition but from inventing new technologies to improve our lives. For example, Google monopolized a smaller request of searching and then expanded the services. Now, searching is a common way when we use the Explorer online and Alphabet is a top IT company in the world. Did Google win on any battlefields? No! I believe that Google just avoided the competition and tried to optimize users’ experience on the Internet through innovations.

This book is more like some excerpts from Peter Thiel’s class at Stanford University. When you read this book, you will feel like you are reading some successful stories about startups, histories, business, management, and technology. It doesn’t matter if you are interested in these areas because all the topics are interesting and thought-provoking. I think everyone can enjoy this book regardless of what age they are. One more thing, this book is worth rereading again and again. I reread it four times and that’s why this book has already been recommended by many celebrities and I still marked it as my most-recommended one.

2024年5月27日 星期一

Balancing Book Wisdom with Real-Life Experiences 2024.5.27

The process of diving into a sea of reading is comfortable because there are so many beautiful works by countless amazing authors. Reading reference books makes us feel self-confident in light of being able to learn some skillful knowledge. Additionally, we feel satisfied after reading some articles because there are many positive words online encouraging us to work hard and live appropriately.

However, It is reasonable there are proverbs both in English “To see is to believe“ and in Chinese ”Traveling allows you to learn more than reading.” at the same time. Learning from others' experiences through reading is valuable but it’s irreplaceable to have your own experiences and adventures. You will learn something profoundly from what you have tried yourself, so never stop enjoying the experience of life.

I might refer to some books for learning other people’s experience in business operations, parenting, or marriage management. However, since the authors didn’t have the same background as mine, some of their opinions might not be suitable for me. Verifying what I have read by gaining my own experience and then developing better approaches is a good idea. Perhaps, I could become another author sharing my experiences in a book one day in the future. 

2024年4月13日 星期六

What I learned for my career in Jan-Mar 2024.

 1. Make quick decisions by refraining from saying, "I can't imagine right now.”

Sometimes making a quick decision is more important than making a correct one, because it's difficult to define what is truly correct or what is more correct than another. On the other hand, the concept of quickness is definite. If you spend too much time trying to make the correct decision, the cost in terms of time may outweigh the benefits. It's often more effective to make a quick decision and then adjust as needed in the process.

How can you start making quick decisions? One approach is to stop saying, "I can't imagine now." There are two hidden meanings behind this sentence: first, you may not want to invest time in imagining at all, and second, you may not want to take responsibility for making a decision at that moment. This phrase can easily become a barrier to action.

Next time you need to collaborate with others, consider implementing a new rule: nobody is allowed to say, "I can't imagine now." You'll likely find that this simple change helps everyone to stay one step ahead.

2. Do we truly require fresh recruits to handle entry-level positions?

In my experience, most companies in Taiwan tend to recruit recent graduates to fill entry-level positions. However, I recently read an article stating that workers aged 18-25 prioritize salary and rapid advancement in their jobs. In my opinion, entry-level positions often do not align with the expectations of the younger generation. Those best suited for such roles are individuals who can consistently produce output, possess experience with paperwork, and have the ability to handle repetitive tasks.

I'm not suggesting that recent graduates are not qualified for entry-level jobs; in fact, there are many excellent young workers in my office. If I were the organizer, I believe there are alternative options for finding suitable talent, such as hiring semi-retired digital workers or older employees who are proficient in using online tools. These individuals could fulfill these roles for 5-10 years, saving time and resources otherwise spent on recruiting fresh talent annually.

3. Financial discipline

As a sales representative, it bothers me a lot when I need to remind my clients to pay overdue amounts. It consumes too much of my time, preventing me from focusing on my primary tasks. Despite my dislike for it, I recognize it as an essential aspect of a salesperson's role. Maintaining financial discipline is crucial for ensuring a healthy cash flow within the company. A healthy cash flow enables the company to navigate through tough times and survive challenging situations. I strive to have better financial discipline among my clients in this quarter, and I believe that the entire organization should participate in this effort. Regardless of whether one works in a business unit, financial department, or IT, everyone should contribute a bit towards maintaining financial discipline. This way, it becomes a less difficult and frustrating task for all involved.

2024年4月6日 星期六

縱貫日本之旅 - 從 福岡 到 台灣 2024.4.7


2、起床之後去看鋼彈,這隻位於 LaLaport Fukuoka 門口的鋼彈有 24.8 公尺,整點一到還會表演。剛好抵達的時候 10 點整,百貨公司還沒開門可以看一下。表演內容就是他會把手舉起來再放下來,頭會往左往右轉而已。


4、我在名古屋的時候一度很想去水族館,後來沒有去。所以決定在最後一天去一下動物園,於是叫吹西開車把我丟在「福岡市動植物園」,動物園裡面雖然沒有什麼超珍稀動物,大部分都可以在木柵或是壽山看到。這邊有一個小小的動物的墓碑,紀念在動物園裡過世的動物。動物園實在太大了,我走不完,所以走個七成之後我就轉戰植物園,植物園相對我真的寫不出什麼心得,看到有一人一花的標語,好像是可以付錢認養花圃。福岡市在日本同時有 Flower City 的稱呼。


6、我們約定 16:10 要集合起來,大約在 15:30 左右氣氛驟變,每個人都在行軍式逛街。「我在無印良品」,「我速看一下 Champion!」,「有看到這個可以幫我買一下嗎?」超好笑!可以感覺到大家在珍惜最後待在日本逛街的時間。

7、因為吹西的飛機比較早,把他送到機場門口之後,我跟小潘和晨瀚去還車,還車流程快到不可思議,結算了一下 ETC 刷卡就可以走了。櫃檯人員跟我們說可以搭 Shuttle,其實就是他們自己人開的小巴,開車的是一個好矮的穿著 TOYOTA Rent 制服的女生,她開車好快而且全程單手,超級帥的。


9、回程搭的是華航,這張機票竟然花了我 18,000 多元台幣,真的是有夠貴。明年機票一定要超級提早買才可以。路途中我們已經決定明年要去古巴環島了。


2024年4月5日 星期五

縱貫日本之旅 - 從 松山 到 福岡 2024.4.6

1、早餐吃了雞蛋拌飯,搭配味增湯,非常溫暖的吃法,很好吃。跟老闆分享我們是來自台灣之後,老闆有關心台灣地震的情況,謝謝老闆。吃完超級 Food coma,差點直接在百貨公司睡著。

2、這段時間幾乎全員都分開行動,昆宏跟伯任去看城堡,晨瀚跟小潘在無印良品,吹西跑去修鬍子。為了不要在百貨公司睡著,我決定自己也要找行程,於是先去了愛媛美術館,美術館裡面有很古老的日本的屏風上面有生動的圖畫,有許多大約 1880-1920 年代的日本藝術家的油畫(內容跟日本有關)還有看到村上隆的作品,我最喜歡一幅名為夏的交響樂的作品。看完美術館,跑了三個樂器行,YAMAHA, Kawai 還有一個傳統日本樂器的店,我原本想買個 metronome 但沒看到喜歡的顏色和造型,然後我看到一個紫色的小提琴盒,實在太想買,最後忍下來,因為我不想搬小提琴盒上下飛機…。



5、今天住的地方,是一人一間的極小房間,類似膠囊旅館,但不至於小到像是棺材一樣。房間還是有一個置物空間,床則在上方或下方的一個小空間裡面,洗澡上廁所都要到公共區域。我從來沒住過類似的地方所以覺得很新奇。規定不能用 Smart phone 設定鬧鐘,所以我叫吹西叫我起床,吹西就是人體鬧鐘。





10、本日移動距離:319 km,移動方式:汽車還有渡輪。 

2024年4月4日 星期四

縱貫日本之旅 - 從 大阪 到 愛知縣松山(不是台北市松山) 2024.4.5


2、道頓崛逛街筆記。先去了高島屋,吹西想看 ISSEY MIYAKE 的外套,不知道是沒 Size 還是沒尺寸,後來改去 RAGTAG 竟然被他找到那件外套,結果是我的 Size,只好我就買走了,笑死。後來去 PARCO 我去幫老婆買點東西,晨瀚好像有所收穫。為了趕時間,自己先去了 THE H.W.DOG&CO. 店裡酷到爆,追了那麼久走進來好感動,可惜想要的都缺貨。其他亂晃經過的:NOAH, Supreme, Undefeated are all boring af.

3、Ate a Shake Shack double double as my lunch and that was still really easy to swallow.



6、道後溫泉。在 Check in 飯店之前,先去泡溫泉,可惜主要的那間在整修,只去了分店。這邊溫泉比較沒有味道,但溫度我覺得很剛好,泡完出來我們有一起喝冰牛奶。走出來之後我覺得好睏,全身都超級鬆弛。


8、Grandaddy - Laughing stock

9、回飯店看電視,在播放坂本龍一的紀錄片,不小心就看到 Emo,他年輕時是酷酷集團耶!好想找他早期的音樂出來慢慢聽。

10、今日移動距離:323 km,花費時間:4 小時 10 分鐘。交通方式:車車。 

2024年4月3日 星期三

縱貫日本之旅 - 從 名古屋 到 大阪 2024.4.4

1、早上再次挑戰名古屋城,有看到一片不算少的櫻花,也有往上走到城堡。在古城附近都會有忍者或武士的 NPC,只要不會排太久我都會去合照 lol。可惜今天天守閣不能進去,在城下走了一圈之後返回,在小販買了一杯清酒喝,早上就開始喝酒,令人心情很好。


3、去了豐田博物館(TOYOTA Museum)雖然名字叫豐田博物館,實際上比較像是汽車博物館,有大量汽車老車再製 1:1 Model 和文物以及很多歷史介紹,伯任看爆,晨瀚拍爆。我雖然不是車迷,也沒有非常懂車,但還是學到很多知識,也欣賞許多老車的設計美感。

4、我們在高速公路經過了一個地方,有超級驚人的雲霄飛車,真的是超級巨大的軌道,十分的高聳,完全不敢想像搭乘起來是什麼感覺。因為只有錄影沒拍到照片,好奇的人可以查詢 「nagashima spa land」或是「長島溫泉樂園」,有人有去過的話,可以跟我分享那個雲霄飛車搭起來是什麼感覺嗎?真的很想知道。

5、在「土山 Sa」休息,有一些京都土產,因為本趟不會去京都,就順便在這邊買一買,這樣我帶回去的土產就會有京都的口味也有青森的口味。其他人買了章魚燒分食,但我那個時候完全吃不下東西。

6、到了大阪,我們先去一個叫做「Jazz Cafe Sub 」的 Jazz Bar 聽一個 Set,這間店竟然開在車站裡面,老闆自己下去吹 Saxophone,讓我想起條通的 Jazz Spot Swing。現場有來自名古屋、倫敦、紐約、芝加哥、台灣(我們)的聽眾。音樂果然是全世界最共同的語言。




10、今日移動距離:172 km,時間約 2 小時 10 分鐘。交通工具:汽車。